5 things you can do to help improve the 811 process and ensure excavation work starts seamlessly and on time

Safe digging is a team effort. As excavators, you kick-start the 811 process that engages others to take the next steps and do their part. 

We understand the pressures you face – whether it be a delay in getting your job site marked or related issues that can put your project behind schedule, working with newer crew members or staff who might not be as familiar with the 811 process, or working in remote areas where the perception might be to just start digging. But cutting corners or not contacting 811 aren’t worth the risks of taking on serious impacts to your company, creating a dangerous situation or losing a life. Safety comes first.

  1. Remember to take your Internet Ticket Entry (ITE) training – If you haven’t taken the full ITE Training for Exactix, the time to do it is now. Many of our processes and online forms have been updated to help you input information more effectively. It’s important to stay up-to-date on changes to the Exactix system. For a refresher, check out the Exactix Tutorials on our YouTube page or visit my.sunshine811.com.

  2. Make sure to provide specific descriptions on your locate ticket – Inaccurate locate descriptions continue to be a challenge, resulting in project delays, service interruptions and dangerous situations. The ITE training will help resolve these issues and help you input accurate locate descriptions the first time, getting your project started off right from the very beginning. The time it takes to do the training is easily worth it compared to the challenges and time that could be lost on the job.

  3. Confirm utility responses in Exactix before you dig – Not checking utility responses is another serious challenge we’re noticing. As you know, seeing a flag or markings on-site doesn’t mean that it’s okay to dig. The only way to know for sure is to compare the utility responses to your job site.

  4. Join our Damage Prevention Councils to help improve our work together – We encourage you to get involved with a regional Damage Prevention Council to share ideas and discuss solutions when it comes to safe digging practices and damage prevention. By joining your regional DPC, you’ll have the opportunity to help make positive change happen for everyone in the industry. Check it out and sign up today!

  5. Attend a Damage Prevention & Pipeline Safety Program this fall -- Sunshine 811 is partnering with Paradigm and their sponsoring Florida gas utilities to present important information on how to avoid damage to these highly volatile lines and how to respond when damage occurs. Throughout September and October, we’ll offer free training at 20 locations around the state for professional excavators, emergency responders and public officials. A schedule is listed here: Paradigm Meeting Schedule. Check back for updates.

Our four safety & education liaisons are here for you. Get in touch with them and schedule some time to learn more about these five things. We’re here for you!

W Schaefer