Sunshine 811 Launches New Initiative to Enhance Public Safety, Prevent Damages and Engage Collaboration

DEBARY, FL — Sunshine 811, Florida's leading organization dedicated to preventing damage to underground utilities, launched a significant new initiative this year aimed at bolstering public safety, reducing damages and enhancing collaboration among various stakeholders in the state. This new initiative comes as the organization continues to play a crucial role in promoting safe digging practices across Florida, where construction and excavation activities are on the rise.

Sunshine 811’s new regional Damage Prevention Councils (DPCs) are bringing together professionals in the utility, excavator and other damage prevention sectors to work collaboratively on solutions that will help everyone employ safer excavation practices and reduce utility damage.

This initiative complements the organization's broader mission and work to reduce the risk of damaging underground infrastructure, which can lead to dangerous accidents, service interruptions and costly repairs.

"As Florida continues to be one of the top states for construction activity, highlighted by billions of dollars for new underground telecom infrastructure, it's more important than ever to ensure that everyone involved in digging activities understands the increased risks involved in excavation … and the work we can do together to maintain the safety of our underground utilities,” said Wendy Schaefer, education and awareness manager for Sunshine 811. "Our goal with the DPCs and our work overall is to cultivate an even greater shared commitment around safety and responsibility, where everyone does their part to protect our vital and fragile underground infrastructure."

Sunshine 811 was established by the Florida Legislature in 1993 and has a long history of advocating for safe digging practices. The organization's efforts are guided by Florida law, which requires anyone planning to dig to notify Sunshine 811 at least two business days before beginning work. This notification allows utility companies to mark the location of their underground lines, reducing the likelihood of damage.

The new DPCs complement and integrate ongoing work of Sunshine 811, which includes year-round stakeholder and consumer outreach campaigns; educational workshops, meetings, materials and online trainings; partnerships and awareness-building with local governments, enforcement groups and industry associations; and much more.  

Looking ahead, Sunshine 811 believes the regional DPCs and its ongoing educational and awareness-building work will lead to greater safety and reduction of utility damages across the state.

As Florida's population continues to grow and infrastructure demands increase, the importance of organizations like Sunshine 811 cannot be overstated. Its ongoing work to promote safety and collaboration is vital to prevent damages and potential catastrophic situations.

For more information about Sunshine 811’s Damage Prevention Councils, visit

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