Enforcement/Regulator Role

With the Enforcement/Regulator role, you can

Request the Enforcement/Regulator Role

Send an email to enforcement@sunshine811.com from an email address that is directly affiliated with the agency or organization for which you work. Only individuals with official agency email addresses will be given access to the Enforcement/Regulator role within Exactix.

In the email include your name, title, agency name, phone and email address. Note: Bulk user setup can be facilitated by special request.

  1. Sunshine 811 receives your request and sets up an account for you with the Enforcement/Regulatory permission.

  2. When the account is set up, you will receive an email from Sunshine 811 with your account information and a link to create a password.

  3. Once you’ve set up your password, you can log into Exactix here: https://exactix.sunshine811.com/login

Watch Video to Learn How to Use the Enforcement/Regulator Role to Access Tickets Near Me